
My name is Mere Nailatikau. I’m a storyteller and development professional with more than fifteen years of experience in research, communications and public diplomacy.

I’m currently a Fulbrighter (2022-2024) at the University of Minnesota’s Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs and will have limited availability for consulting engagements.

Photo: Joseph Hing

Suva, Fiji (Photo: Joseph Hing)

Originally from Fiji, I’m based in Minneapolis, and have worked in organisations with a presence in Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Nauru.

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and management, and a master’s degree in development studies, I spent several years working in media, the creative arts, civil society, a bilateral donor and aid-funded development organisations.

My work and life experience have taught me to appreciate the value of a well-told story and its ability to connect people, changing their lives for the better.

This is what nourishes me - finding, growing and sharing compelling stories.


My research experience includes a seven-country desk review of youth unemployment in the region. This was followed by a policy advocacy campaign that saw youth unemployment prioritised by Pacific Island Forum Leaders in 2011. More recently I commissioned market research into Pacific perceptions of technical and vocational education and training (TVET).



I have developed communications and advocacy strategies, managed their implementation and evaluation, and supported executives with internal and external communication, stakeholder management and crisis communication. My passion is in establishing benchmarks and feedback loops for evidence-based communicating.


Public Diplomacy

In 2017 I attended the University of Southern California’s Centre for Public Diplomacy Summer Institute in Los Angeles, and prior to this was part of the team that launched the Australia in Fiji Facebook Page at the Australian High Commission in Suva, Fiji. My philosophy is that strong public diplomacy is grounded in good policy, understanding context, and mutually beneficial relationships.

I am currently undertaking a Masters in Public Policy at the University of Minnesota’s Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs under the Fulbright Program.

I consult and create for a variety of organisations, including hosting Season 2 of Vosa, a Pacific storytelling podcast featuring conversations with creators, thinkers and changemakers across the region.

My writing has been published in Stella Magazine, the Commonwealth Writers Blog, Climate Tracker, DevPolicy, Islands Business, and The Lowy Institute’s Interpreter. I co-founded the Two Fishes podcast and served as MC and curator for TEDxSuva.